Shoulder stability is a critical component of training, whether you are resistance training, weightlifting, or even practicing yoga. The shoulders are a complex and delicate joint, made up of multiple muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work together to provide mobility and support. Proper shoulder stability ensures that the joint is properly aligned during exercises, reducing the chances of strain, impingement, or dislocation.
Having shoulder stability not only ensures success in the gym but also in your daily activities. A stable shoulder joint promotes better posture, which not only prevents chronic pain but also improves overall mechanics. Whether you're reaching for objects on a high shelf, carrying groceries, or simply maintaining good posture throughout the day, strong and stable shoulders are crucial. By prioritizing shoulder stability in your training regimen, you not only reduce the risk of injuries but also lay a solid foundation for improved athletic performance and better quality of life.
Need to Know: This exercise is a floor based exercise that challenges your t-spine mobility as we as shoulder stability. It is the only position where you are creating counter rotation while stabilizing a bell over the side of your rib cage. While in the end position, you are actively pressing the bell towards the ceiling and using crocodile breathing to create a demand on the stability in the shoulder.
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Need to Know: In this exercise, one knee is on the ground, and a kettlebell is held with the bottom facing up. Holding the bell at shoulder height to start, in the middle of the handle keeping a vertical forearm. This movement requires full body tension a necessary skill in lifting and that is needed to keep the bell in the bottoms up position
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Need to Know: The single-arm plank is a core and shoulder stability exercise where you support your body with one arm while in a plank position. It engages the entire shoulder girdle, promoting stability and strength.
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